I like the nighttime. The nighttime here is the only time I feel comfortable in this place. I sit at my desk, and I look outside and see every single street light that my peripheral view can possibly catch. Each light at a lamp post, each one lined up, leading my vision down a straight path. It is almost as if it is guiding me, or telling me that everything is going to be fine. In the daytime, I am swarmed with the thought that I have to accomplish a lot to keep up with what is left of the daylight. I have to get ready for the day, I have to go to the gym, I have to do this…etc. But the nighttime, oh the beautiful nighttime on this campus. The fountain lit up with blue and red and the water’s moving reflection gleaming on the building outside of my window. It tells me that I am okay. And when the day is done it tells me that I am one day closer to going home and enjoying the summer by the water.
Above is where I get all descriptive and pretend that I am writing a book that will eventually have an underlying message that shapes the whole thing. What’s the point? The point is you have to look for the good in everything to get anywhere in life. I used to follow this rule, and then I stopped when I came to college and absolutely despised it. My boyfriend who sees the good and the positive in unquestionably everything showed me the movie Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. This movie completely shifted my perspective thanks to him, and I started following this rule again. You see, if we don’t do our best to find the good in everything, we will be entirely miserable. It is true. If you are only focused on the negative all of the time, where does the positive have a chance to come in? You cannot experience the good opportunities that lie ahead if you are always stuck in a negative mindset. The lamp posts remind me of the good. I give the lamp posts a 10/10 (Green).
P.S. - yes I used The Anthropocene Reviewed style idea from John Greene; however, I did not realize I was doing it until I added that last sentence. So with that being said, you should look it up if you do not know what I am talking about.